Day 4

I'm going to be honest here, I've not heard of a Haulberroy before (let alone plural). Does anyone know what this piece is? All ideas and guesses would be very welcome!

The good news is, despite my lack of knowledge about the piece, it's a great piece to play with an evasive and wandering melody.

When you hear a good tune, share it around...


  1. Alain Verberkmoes says:

    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for arranging this challenge.
    I am by no means an expert in this field, but after some googling I found that Thoinot Arbeau in his Orchésographie describes a type of dance called branle du Haut Barrois. And that Haut Barrois is a region in the north east of France. Might your mysterious haulberroys perhaps be such a branle or maybe another dance named after the same region?
    Regards, Alain

    1. Alex McCartney says:

      Thanks for taking part Alain, and for your wee bit of research! That’s really interesting, thanks for sharing it. I suspect you’re absolutely right about the Haut Barrois — I wonder what they did differently there with the branle. Alex

  2. Christopher Allworth says:

    Since Day 3 I have not received further days!
    Please help!
    thanks ~ Christopher

    1. Alex McCartney says:

      Hello Christopher,
      Sorry you’re having trouble — have you tried refreshing the page? If that doesn’t work then try a hard refresh: hold down Ctrl + Shift + ‘r’.
      If you’re still not seeing the new days, I’ll refresh the website’s cache.

      1. Alex McCartney says:

        I thought I might also just mention that you managed to comment on Day 4 — is it just Day 5 that you’re not seeing?

        1. Christopher Allworth says:

          Thank you for your help and I have been able re-connect
          I appreciate this January journey very much indeed1

  3. Tom Knight says:

    Enjoyed this one got a nice bouncy feel to it and a sequence of rhythms that misdirect the ear so that the whole thing feels fresh and unexpected.

  4. Ryan Closs says:

    I think the ‘a r’ on the fourth beat of mm 3 could be thumb then pointer. But I’m also trying it as written except middle finger on the 1st string ‘a’ in the 3rd measure. But when I don’t think about it, ‘a r d a d’ feels better as p i p i p.

    1. Alex McCartney says:

      Yeah — I see where you’re coming from.

  5. Susan Sandman says:

    Hi Alex,
    I’m loving the Lute Challenge.
    It would be helpful to me to see your entire right hand in the video (the camera cuts it off for the Day 4 Attaignant basse dance).
    I’m playing thumb under and curious about resting the pinky finger on the lute, or not, as I navigate the jumps with pi.

    1. Alex McCartney says:

      Hello Susan,
      I’m glad you’re having fun with the challenge!
      Sorry that my right hand is camera shy in this one — I’ve been recording these videos standing up and I do sometimes dance about without meaning to.
      I can say that I would pretty much always try to have my pinky down resting on the soundboard, as I find this gives me perspective on where I’m jumping to and from.

  6. Kevin Drake says:

    Hi Alex,
    Many thanks for the challenge.
    When reading the notation, I was assuming that a dot under a tablature letter means that it is to be plucked with the forefinger. If that is the case here, then I was rather unsure about the possible indication of a consecutive use of the forefinger at the start of the third bar.
    Any guidance on this point would be much appreciated, thanks.

    1. Alex McCartney says:

      Hello Kevin,
      Well spotted! I’m hoping that it’s either a mistake in the source or the modern transcription.
      Either way, I’d definitely try to keep to the usual ‘strong-weak’ fingering combination that we’d assume.

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